Beautiful and thought-provoking words as always Thomas. Let's attempt all the resolutions all at once! Excitement of the secrets will bleed as confused and frustrated faces frown.

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Some bloody great ideas here I am stealing wholesale.

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Wonderful and useful definition of language / consciousness / magic / romance.

1: oh dear, "I" is like machine gunfire through most of what I write lately. My feeling is that you have to either completely avoid, or completely embrace, in a kind of Brechtian way, using "I". Treat it with awareness and exagerration, like a puppet or a clunky wooden mask channeling consciousness in a ceremony in Africa.

4. I heard some surrealists took naps with their chin resting on a spoon.

7. one of the most important juncture points in my life happened when I would have said 'I don't understand', but didn't. Big magic indeed... thanks for the reminder.

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by Thomas Sharp

Wow, some intriguing, and no doubt difficult, word & thought experiments to try. Though i say “I don’t understand” twice the recommended amount daily without much illumination! Must try harder clearly.

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(Banned)Jan 5, 2023Liked by Thomas Sharp

Love this👍😃

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