So much brain-food in this clusteryfuck of blipverts. Where do I start?

So, Shakespeare didn't invent "in a nut shell"... but I'm guessing he did coin "king of infinite space"? You mention biographies, I don't read many but one of my favourites (which called at me at random from a very obscure shelf in Dillons bookshop 20 years ago) was called "King of Infinite Space" – a biography of Donald Coxeter (who, from what I recall, was the first person to propose that existence may occur in more than three dimensions).

"Snow copper slow stalking ritualistic branched acid-etched lonely essentialism sensations" is such a resonant phrase. Not least because I often brand the AI hallucinations of The Mycoleum as the "dreams of silicon and copper". Lately, I have had The Mycoleum acid-etching printed circuit boards in its imagination; few of them have made the grade - here's a most obvious example: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_i-vrKDnm/ - but here is a more pleasing form of circuit-bending: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4CDKgENLbU/

Oh, and a couple of days ago, Andy Wilson - of https://www.travellerintheevening.com/ - posted that, when William Blake first inked up Tyger Tyger ready for printing, "if you imagine Blake's copper engraving plates padded with ink and ready to be applied on his press, the contrast of black ink stripes on orange copper perhaps reminds one of a tygers stripes... especially if it was late at night, you hadn't eaten, you were really tired and still had lots of work to do before sleeping." Yes, that works for me.

Copper is the warmest metal, I am drawn to it, I want it near me.

Hurry Up We're Dreaming sounds fascinating, and right up my street, so thanks for the tip. Are you aware of https://gnostic.technology/ which operates in a similar-ish space? It – and in particular Karin Valis's of https://mercurialminutes.substack.com/ whose writings on AI recently prompted me to poetry for machines. It's through Karin's writings that I got a glimpse of the way in which AI encodes language and imagery into sacred alphabets in 100,000-dimensional space. I bet Donald Coxeter would have had something to say about that.

I bet a 100,000,000-dimensional universe would make it relatively trivial for one particle to affect another over a large amount of "space" and a small amount of "time" in its trivialest of dimensions.

’Two associated dreams: that’s the ideal.' Aye. Or two unrelated books or blogs which somehow relate themselves through the reading. I'm all bibliomancy and flowers right now. That, and copper tubing.

Can't wait for The Unravelling.

Last week, a happy recipient of VSK asked me "how come I got this for free? How does Thomas Sharp do it? What's his business model". I replied: "magick".

Running out of money here. Please teach me how to save up.



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Ha ha. This is an amazing comment. Thank you for mirroring so well.

I'm a big fan of Karin Valis's writings. Strangely a month ago I was sitting on an overground tube train reading Prometheus Rising and casually hoping for a synchronicity when she messaged me to say she was in Treadwells, had bought a copy of William Burroughs' 'The Job' and inside it was a dole slip (she sent me a photo) addressed to Thomas Sharp dated 9/3/93.

Magick is the perfect answer. To most things.


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You are most welcome. Mirroring comes quite naturally to me, it's fun, enables me to be creative without having to think too much.

That's a fabulous synchronicibobble. When I first contacted Karin, a couple of months back, it generated a couple of weird coincidences.

Things are abubble in the underrealm.

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What a crazy ride this article, loved it :)

And I'm super excited to found out about Hurry Up We're Dreaming!! Sound like a wonderful project.

Thanks for the shoutout Dan! 👹 synchronicities abound, I just remembered that when I was first listening to the absolutely wonderful rendering of your adventure to CERN by Daisy Campbell (a few months before we connected) just as she showed a slide of the Large Hard-on Collider, I received a meme from another magickal friend Jake: https://imgur.com/a/TWkUarN 👽

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Anna will love you. I'll be sure to point her towards your Substack.

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Oh wow, that's wonderful!

Another coincidence... I did an improptu reading of my LLM poem at an event in Sheffield a few weeks back. Later that day, a guy (who hadn't heard my poem) got talking to me, and got some sort of vibe that made him incredibly keen to work with me in some sort of unspecified magical way. We got chatting, and it turned out that he had done a student engineering placement at CERN. Not only that, but his role was to use electricity to spin atoms into ever-increasing orbits, which has a major bearing on the way I like to think about the interface between the physics of semiconductors and the random elements of AI. Not had a second meeting with him yet, but I predict interesting things ⚛️

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